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Pass-through Monorail Shot Blasting Machine

The Wheelabrator pass-through monorail type C shot blast machines (continuous operation) achieve short blasting times due to a combination of the latest transport technology and highly efficient blast wheels.


The Wheelabrator pass-through monorail type C shot blast machines (continuous operation) achieve short blasting times due to a combination of the latest transport technology and highly efficient blast wheels.

A special feature of the continuously operating pass-through machine is the constant travelling speed of the workpieces. The ability to adapt the moving speed of the workpiece and the wheel power ensures that the machine can be easily and smoothly integrated into an existing production line.

The abrasive is pre-accelerated very efficiently by the TITAN blast wheels, allowing for short treatment times and reduced abrasive consumption when compared to conventional blast wheels.

Maximum coverage of the workpiece is achieved by the blast wheels being arranged in an “X” alignment, diagonally to the moving workpiece. In this formation, the leading edges of complex components, welded sections and flame-cut parts can be thoroughly blasted.


  • Removal of mill and forge scale as well as rust
  • Blasting of steel constructions as pretreatment before painting
  • Removal of burrs and flashes
  • Increase of surface roughness
  • Removal of moulding sand and residues Characteristics
  • Latest transport technology
  • Highly efficient blast wheels
  • Multiple machine sizes and variations